Eutron SoM experience

For more than ten years, Eutron R&D has been developing and producing SoM (System on Module).

To ensure even more cutting-edge solutions, by the end of Q2'24 it will release the new version based on NXP – i.MX93 and compliant with the SMARC 2.1.1 standard.

The new SoM will be adaptable to any type of application, such as:

  • HMI Applications
  • Industrial Gateway
  • IoT
  • AI on Edge
  • Motion Control

And since innovation is never ending, the next version NXP – i.MX95 will also be released in Q3’25, thus complementing the current Linux-based offering, NXP – i.MXxxx e ST – STM32xxx.

Moreover, thanks to specific capabilities developed over the years, Eutron R&D is able to use the versatility offered by MPUs (Microprocessor Units) and customize them through a Carrier board tailored to each customer, while ensuring the integration of their applications.

Research & Development